9 First Date Night Tips from Guys to Girls

The first date is quite a nerve wrecking experience. You simply don’t know what to expect yet you are looking forward to this event like no other. You spend a few hours in the shower getting ready, you put all your effort on your makeup and you choose the outfit at least a couple of times before you change it once more. But what are the guys really looking for? Do they really care what colour your lipstick is?

Top First Date Night Advice for Men 

First Date Night Tips from Guys

If you want the first date to be a success, you should probably pay attention to what they are actually looking for. Here are nine great first date night tips that are directly from guys to girls.

Tip #1: Don’t be afraid to suggest ideas

It’s still rather common for guys to suggest the date night activity. They usually decide the restaurant and the movie – often asking you in advance what you think about the plans. Now, if you hate that restaurant or you’ve already seen that movie, don’t just go with it. You can suggest your own thing nicely and not have the guy be upset. If you do want to just let the guy decide, then don’t be rude about where he took you.

Tip #2: Never bring friends to the first date

Don’t have your friends over for the first date. If they are for security, simply meet in a public, crowded place and have your phone with you. Most girls bring them for ‘vetting’ and guys don’t appreciate it. This is your first date, not the moment to decide whether to accept the proposal. It’s not a proper date if you have shepherds guiding you.

Tip #3: Have an activity planned

There’s nothing worse than having a good time but then running out of things to do. You should be smart and come up with a Plan B – the guys will appreciate your effort. So, if the movie is full or you really want to continue the discussion after the dinner, be the one to take the ropes. Know where to go if things are not running smoothly or if you need something more to do.

Tip #4: Stop using the phone

We tend to use our mobile phones just a little too much these days. Look around in a public space and you’ll see more people down on their phones then enjoying the other people around them. When you go on your first date (or 100th for the matter), stop using the phone when the person is right there.

Tip #5: Makeup or no makeup; guys don’t care

Guys don’t really know or care about makeup. If you show up wearing a lot of it, some will freak out while others will love it. There is no universal preference in terms of makeup. The key is to do what you want and feel comfortable. If you’re the type of gal to buy the whole LookFantastic website at once, then go ahead and do your thing. If you just like a bit of mascara, then we’re perfectly happy with that too.

Tip #6: Show your personality with the clothing

You should stop stressing about the clothing and simply go with something that fits your personality. If you are a person who likes flowers and girlie things, then pick something that you feel comfortable wearing. If you are more of a sensual type of girl, Ann Summers  vouchers will help you find something affordable from the new collection. The key is to not spend a fortune on clothing you wouldn’t normally even wear. Let guys know who you are with your clothing!

Tip #7: Don’t use the word ‘nice’ to describe things

Remove the word ‘nice’ from your vocabulary. Don’t tell guys look nice on the first date or that you think the restaurant is nice. It just shows a lack of imagination and honestly sounds like a lukewarm acceptance of what’s happening. You don’t need to be overly dramatic or in love with everything about the date but avoid this word. If you don’t like something, then it’s better to not say anything.

Tip #8: Be prepared to pay

We live in the21st century and you really need to be willing to pay your part. Don’t get upset if the guy asks you to do this and do insist on it anyway. It’s about equality and fairness – however, don’t make the scene either if the guy has already sorted out the expenses.

Tip #9: Don’t overthink it; just relax

Guys are quite a relaxed bunch of people. It’s not that they don’t care; they just know there is no point worrying about the first date. What will happen, will happen. So take their advice and just relax. You just need to show up being you – if the guy doesn’t like who you are, then you’re better off without him anyway. There are no rules to what you should look like or do – just have a good time and let the guy see who you really are.

With the above nine date tips, you can glimpse into the mindset of guys and know what they really want from you on the first date. 😊

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